Safety and Security Rebate – Guide

The Safety and Security Rebate was reintroduced on 22 August 2021. Western Australian Seniors Card members can now claim up to $400 per household towards the purchase of eligible home security or safety item. Only purchases made after the announcement on 22 August 2021 can be claimed.

Before you purchase an eligible item, please ensure you have read the Terms and Conditions first.

You will find further information about each eligible item for the Safety and Security Rebate on this page and by reading the Frequently Asked Questions.

Please click here for a guide on eligible Safety and Security Rebate items.

It is strongly recommended that you research the eligible item you intend to purchase and, if required, seek multiple quotes to compare value before committing to purchase or install an eligible item.

The list of eligible items to purchase or install are:

Eligible items and maximum rebate amounts

No: Item Total Maximum Rebate
1 Home alarm and/or CCTV systems
(minimum purchase/installation value of $200)
Note: if a contractor installs this item, the contractor must be a licenced Security Agent and Security Installer.
2 Security door screens
(minimum purchase/installation value of $200)
Note: if a contractor installs this item, the contractor must be a licenced Security Agent and Security Installer.
3 Deadlock (door or window)
(minimum purchase/installation value of $50)
Maximum rebate claim of $200 for each deadlock
Note: if a contractor installs this item, the contractor must be a licenced Security Agent and Security Installer.
4 Security window screens or window shutters
(minimum purchase value/installation of $100)
5 Security sensor light
(minimum purchase/installation value of $50)
Maximum rebate claim of $200 for each security sensor light.
Note: A licenced electrician must install this item if connected to mains power.
6 Wi-Fi or wired video doorbells
(minimum purchase/installation value of $100. Does not include ongoing subscription fees)
Maximum rebate claim of $200 for each video doorbell.
Note: A licenced electrician must install this item if connected to mains power.
7 Residual Current Device $400
Note: A licenced electrician must install this item.
8 Mains powered smoke alarm
(minimum purchase and installation value of $100)
Maximum rebate claim of $200 for each mains-powered smoke alarm.
Note: A licenced electrician must install this item
9 Fire extinguisher
(item must meet Australian Standards)
Maximum of $50 for each fire extinguisher.
A maximum of two fire extinguishers can be claimed.
10 Fire blanket
(item must meet Australian Standards)
Maximum of $25 for each fire blanket.
A maximum of two fire blankets can be claimed.
11 Repairs of one or more of the following items:
  • Home alarm and/or CCTV systems
  • Security door screens
  • Deadlocks
  • Security window screens or window shutters
  • Security sensor light
  • WiFi or wired video doorbell
  • Residual Current Device (RCD)
  • Mains powered smoke alarm
Repairs must be carried out by a qualified contractor with the requisite licences and meet the applicable Australian Standards where relevant.

One of the essential requirements when purchasing an eligible item is to ensure the item meets or exceeds Australian Standards where required.

What are Australian Standards?

Australian Standards set out specifications, procedures and guidelines to ensure products, services, and systems are safe, consistent, and reliable.

They cover a variety of subjects, including consumer products and services, the environment, construction, energy and water utilities, and more.

The following eligible items must meet the following Australian Standards:

Security Screens

  • AS 5039-2008 (Security Screen Doors and Security Window Grilles)
  • AS 5040-2003 (Installation of security screen doors and window grilles)
  • AS 5041-2003 (Methods of test — Security screen doors and window grilles)


  • AS 4145.2-2008 (Locksets and hardware for doors and windows)

Residual Current Device (RCD)

  • AS/NZS 3000-2018 (Electrical installations)

Mains powered smoke alarm

  • AS 3786-2014 (Smoke Alarms)

Fire extinguisher

  • AS/NZS 1841.5-2007 (Specific requirements for powder type extinguishers)

Fire blanket

  • AS/NZS 3504-2006 (Fire blankets)

Eligible items that require an Australian Standard will display a sticker or label on the product indicating the Australian Standard to which the item complies. If unsure, please confirm with the retailer or tradesperson that the item complies with or exceeds the relevant Australian Standards.

Electrical Contractor and Electrical Workers Licence

If you are purchasing an Residual Current Device (RCD), mains-powered smoke alarm or security sensor light, these items must be installed by a licenced Electrical Contractor. In Western Australia, the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 specifies that electrical work must be carried out by a licenced electrical contractor, who in turn must employ licenced electricians. You can search for the Electrical Contractor Licence and Electrical Workers Licence.

Security Installer and Security Agent licences

The Security and Related Activities (Control) Regulations 1997 tradespersons must have a valid Security Installer licence that is issued by WA Police to install, maintain or repair:

  • safes
  • vaults
  • locks (including deadlocks)
  • security alarms
  • CCTV systems
  • security doors

Further to this requirement, the business conducting the service must have a valid Security Agent licence issued by WA Police. You can search for the Security Installer or Security Agent licence.

How to apply for the Safety and Security Rebate

There are many ways you can apply for the Safety and Security Rebate:

  • Option 1: Log In to your WA Seniors Card account and apply. If you do not have an online account, you must register for access first here
  • Option 2: You can download an application form here to complete. Once completed, you can post the application form with a copy of the tax receipt or email a scanned copy to
  • Option 3: Call the WA Seniors Card Centre on 1800 671 233 or email to request an application form to be posted or emailed to you.
  • Option 4: Visit the WA Seniors Card Centre at 140 William Street, Perth.
  • Option 5: Visit any Department of Communities customer service counter.
  • Option 6: Visit ServiceWA Bunbury at 24 Wellington Street, Bunbury.

Helpful tips when purchasing eligible items

  • It is recommended that you shop around to compare prices and values before purchasing an eligible item.
  • Before you buy goods or services from a seller, conduct a general internet search of the name, looking for positive or negative reviews. This includes visiting Consumer Protection's website, which lists information about named traders and compliance actions.
  • It is recommended that you request a quote for any purchases or installation service and request the timeframe for the completion of work in writing.
  • Please be aware of any claims that extra work is needed above and beyond what you have sought a quote on. Our advice in this situation is to pause and get a second quote before committing to having the extra work done.
  • You must also request a tax receipt as proof of purchase, as you will need this to make a claim for the Safety and Security Rebate.
  • Please ensure the Australian Business Number (ABN) and date is also listed on the tax receipt.
  • If you are buying an eligible product online, only use secure websites to make payments to protect against fraud and unauthorised credit card transactions. Only buy from websites you know and trust. Check that the company has a physical street address and landline phone number. Beware of scams and fake websites.
  • Please note that buying local, whether online or in-store, will increase your chances of on-time delivery and provide complete protection on your purchases. However, if you purchase from overseas-based businesses, you may not be protected by the Australian Consumer Law regarding your refund, repair or replacement rights. Remember, goods purchased overseas must comply with Australian safety standards, particularly concerning electrical products.

If you are unsure whether an item is eligible for the Safety and Security Rebate or have further enquiries, please get in touch with the WA Seniors Card Centre at 1800 671 233 or email us at